Winter 2024

FLOW YOGA IN THE BARN | 18+ YRS Sherry Fair Hoff, RYT-500 Enjoy an indoor community yoga class in our city’s beautiful, historic Amelita Mirolo Barn. Build physical and mental strength as you flow through a series of yoga poses, drawing on your breath as a source of power in this energizing class. This series can be prorated for a specific number of classes. Please bring a mat. 441986 A & B 7:30-8:30 am F 1/5-2/9 $54 R | $60 NR O 6 sessions 441986 D & E 7:30-8:30 am F 2/23-3/29 $54 R | $60 NR O 6 sessions 441986 K & L 5:30-6:30 pm M 1/8-2/12 (skip 1/15, 2/19) $45 R | $50 NR O 5 sessions 441986 N & O 5:30-6:30 pm M 2/26-3/25 $45 R | $50 NR O 5 sessions Sunny 95 Park, Amelita Mirolo Barn MAT PILATES FOR EVERYONE | 18+ YRS Pilates Innovations This inclusive Pilates mat class systematically builds core strength and stability. Experience how the resulting improved strength, balance and flexibility increase your agility in every day physical activities. This is a mixed-level class with all ages and fitness/experience levels welcome. Modifications offered for beginners and variations for more advanced participants. Can be prorated for a specific number of classes. Please bring a mat. 441965 A 9-10 am F 1/5-2/9 441965 B 9-10 am F 2/23-3/29 Sunny 95 Park, Amelita Mirolo Barn $54 R | $60 NR O 6 sessions WINTER LIGHT YOGA | 18+ YRS Laurie Saurborn, RYT-200 Vinyasa-based series, designed to grow steadiness, strength and ease in the colder months. This warming-but not strenuous class-is created to build balance both on and off the mat. Classes combine attention to breath with intention of movement. Can be prorated for a specific number of classes. Please bring a mat. 441989 A 5:30-6:30 pm Tu 1/2-2/6 441989 B 5:30-6:30 pm Tu 2/20-3/26 Senior Center Bldg 1, Rm 102 $54 R | $60 NR O 6 sessions

BREAK THE DIET CYCLE | 18+ YRS Gina (Casagrande) Forster, MS, RD, LD Have you lost the ability to figure out what, when and how much to eat because of all the confusing tips given out by diet and wellness culture? This class provides an overview of four of the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, a non-diet approach to nutrition, health and wellness. With Intuitive Eating you learn to trust your body, let go of diets, choose self-care over food to cope and find the satisfaction in food again! 441344 A 6:30-7:30 pm Th 1/11 Municipal Services Center, Lower Level Meeting Room $5 R | $6 NR MANAGE MENOPAUSE NATURALLY | 18+ YRS Tina Falasca, Wellness Center 101 Owner Many women go through this change feeling fine, while others are bothered by symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, anxiety, and more. In this class, learn exactly what menopause is, what happens to your body during menopause and how you can support your body with natural menopause relief. Go home with a custom-made natural relief product that you can start using immediately! 441349 A 6:30-8:30 pm Th 2/29 COhatch Upper Arlington, The Moss Room $32 R | $38 NR MINDFUL LISTENING: SET THE STAGE FOR A QUIETER MIND | 18+ YRS Daron Larson Contrary to popular assumptions, mindfulness isn’t about trying to force your mind to stop thinking. It’s about remembering you have options for deciding what to pay attention to. Learn mindful listening exercises to help call off the battle with thinking to feel more present and alive. 441347 A 7-8:15 pm Tu 3/5 Sunny 95 Park, Amelita Mirolo Barn $18 R | $22 NR MINDFULNESS FOR RELAXATION: FIND REST IN THE UNREST | 18+ YRS Daron Larson Comfortable situations can make it easier to relax. It’s liberating, however, to practice detecting relaxation even in the midst of ordinary life. Learn ways to experience rest even in the midst of unrest. 441339 A 7-8:15 pm Tu 3/12 Sunny 95 Park, Amelita Mirolo Barn $18 R | $22 NR


@CityofUAPR | 614-583-5300 |


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